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Optimizing services to students is an important aspect that must be managed seriously by all tertiary institutions. Moreover, with the PT-BHMN regulation, state universities also play a role like private universities in reaching the number of students. Therefore, service is one of the key factors and promotional media for prospective students in choosing a tertiary institution. In this study, we investigated student perceptions of the service quality of academic staff at Bung Hatta University. Data was collected from 488 students. Sample data were statistically analyzed using the modified Servqual model using 6 dimensions (ie: physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, information systems). The findings reveal that the responsive tangibles dimension shows the highest negative gap, while the reliability dimension has the lowest negative gap among all dimensions. So the conclusion is that overall improvements must be made in order to be able to provide optimal service for users of educational services, especially in West Sumatra, Indonesia.


service quality academic staff student perceptions higher education

Article Details

Author Biographies

Yeasy Darmayanti, Bung Hatta University

Accounting Department

Daniati Puttri, Universitas Bung Hatta

Accounting Department

Neva Novianti, Universitas Bung Hatta

Accounting Department

Siti Rahmi, Universitas Bung Hatta

Accounting Department

Suryadimal Suryadimal, Universitas Bung Hatta

Acconting Department

Nor Azilah Husin, Universiti Selangor

Accounting Department